Live Freely with No Debt

Sunday, January 02, 2005

2005 Resolutions - modest monthly income

As far as financial resolution is concerned, 2005 is the create-a-stream-of-income-a-month year. Yes, I will build 12 streams of income in 2005. And I've got the blueprint to follow.

Here's is the plan. Every month I will build at least one website to generate a modest income of $300 a month.

  1. Research keywords

  2. Build content

  3. Drive traffic

  4. Earn referral fees from affiliate programs
My budget for building each website is US$250. Monthly running cost for hosting and PPC advertising, $120. The target cost to earning ratio is 1:2.5 and improve to 1:3.5 within 6 months.

The total costs of building and maintaining these 12 websites are are $3,000 for building cost and $1,440 monthly cost ($17,280 yearly). I may have to take up a small loan of $5,000 for a period of 12 monthly to get the project start. The US$5,000 is working capital before the websites start making a monthly income. The projected nett monthly income is US$2,160.


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