Live Freely with No Debt

Sunday, February 13, 2005

New website on Debt Help

I have started building a couple of debt help websites. Beside providing information on the availability of debt help, I will be building a revenue model to generate an income streams with these websites.

If you remembered my earlier post in January, you'll know that I had plan to build websites to create multiple streams of income. So after more than 5 weeks of preparation, I finally have Debt Help Tips ready for launch to the cyberspace. I have 10 articles written on topics related to debt help, debt management, credit repair and low interest rate loans.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Best time to settle your debt

The Chinese believe that one must settle all debts before the new year - the Chinese New Year. The 9 Feb 2005 marks the first day of the year of the Golden Rooster.

Chinese all over the world begin celebration on this day and it is the most important day on the Chinese calendar. In the olden days, people in China stop working a few days before the new year and do not start working until after the 15th day of the new year.

So much for the Chinese New Year custom, here's something related to this blog - debt and debt free. Chinese believe in clearing their debts yearly. There is a Chinese saying:


You have to clear all your debt before this year ends - that is, by tomorrow. By doing so, you will have a better and prosperous New Year. And if you are in need of help in the following year, be it financial or otherwise, you will be able to get help quickly to solve your problems. These is so much wisdom in this practice, so let's do it - let's make a commitment to settle all our debts every year.


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